Now the guy is obliviously biased and is Christan, the point of this website is to prove Evolution and Darwinism wrong by contrasting it with Christianity. I went over this with my friend Zach, who is also a nerd and scholar, the two smartest kids in our class. He says who evolutionists are close minded and will support Darwin's theory at all costs. I do believe that Evolutionists can be a little over protected. He complains how it is just an excuse to not believe in god. Which is stupid, now I'm a hindu and I believe in an all powerful being. I respect atheism, its a world were scientists have no limits and can contiue to explore this earth. God used science, not magic. Scientist's discoveries are rediscoveries. And these rediscovers are crucial and will SOMETIMES benefit mankind for the better. God is basically playing Powder toy and created an us. Programmed us. And let us live out our lives. I will talk about this in a much later post. Right now lets focus on dissecting this guy's article.
The writers keeps pulling the "rock to man" deal. Like really? THen where did we come from I ask you that. No, we just popped into existence. I qoute from his article:
"Natural selection can cause a species to adapt over the course of time. This is true in a sense, but not in the sense that Darwin and his evolutionists disciples tend to believe. Natural selection is the process of an environmental condition that tends to influence the development of species that reside in it over time. For instance, lets say a particular species of moth comes in two colors, beige and black. If over time, all the trees in the moth’s habitat become blackened as a result of being close to a nearby factory, the black moths will become the dominant color in that area because they are more camouflaged from predators. Over time, if the trees stay blackened, the beige moths will become more rare because the moths that survive better are the black ones. This is natural selection. Darwin observed natural selection happening when he looked at the varieties of finches on the Galapagos Islands, but took a leap of faith when assuming that somehow natural selection could change rocks into humans over time. He observed variances of existing traits only, not the addition of completely new genetic information. Again, Darwin’s faith-based assumption has never been proven or observed."
Really? Now tell me this, where did we come from. Darwin didn't take a leap of faith its plainly logic. The environment is a crucial factor in the adaptations of animals, including us. At the beginning of the article he pulls off a qoute of Darwin. Its basically him stating that White humans are a superior species and that African American people are just teh link between man and ape. Now humanity mainly begain down there in africa, the Neanderthals then migrated up to Europe..then the crossing of that ice bridge. I'm pretty sure the melanine that they needed down in africa soon dissapeared or went away. Because they didn't need it anymore. So white people could be the last variation of humans, doesn't make them inferior anymore, its just an adaptation. Now I didn't crossreference this quote and I'm not quite sure if Darwin actually ment it. But if he did mean this then Darwin would be considred..yea. The wrtier also talked about Hitler pulling this off in his book Mein Kampf. ANd his master race the ayrans.
||“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time, the anthropomorphous apes. . . will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla.”
No, that quote wasn’t Adolf Hitler’s. It was Charles Darwin, in The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex; The Works of Charles Darwin, D. Appleton and Company, New York.
Charles Darwin is the founder of the religion of evolution, and as you can see from the quote above, thought that black people were the missing link between white people and monkeys, and thought white people were the most evolved, superior race. He also states his prediction that white people will exterminate all the inferior “savage” races sometime soon. Most people have not heard of this quote or realized it’s significance, in part because evolutionists are exceptional at preventing the spread of information that is not evolution-compliant. But the implications become apparent when you compare it to quotes of Hitler. Hitler, inspired by Darwin’s racism and theory of evolution, thought that the “aryan” race was the most highly evolved race and attempted to act out Darwin’s predictions of extermination of the “inferior” races. Hitler used the word “evolution” throughout his book, Mein Kampf. What he was saying wasn’t anything he had come up with, he was just acting on some of Charles Darwin’s ideas. Evolutionists always defend Darwin’s racism of course, by saying “well lots of people were racist back then.” In response to this, I would point out that Jesus never said anything that stupid, as everything he said was timeless, despite the fact that he lived more than 2,000 years ago.
So was Chuck Darwin a great mind, like evolutionists believe, or just a crazy, racist old man? Keep in mind, when he developed his theory, he knew nothing of the complexities of DNA, and thought black people were less evolved than white people.
To understand Darwin, you must understand that he is a founder of a religion. Evolution is a religion just like Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are also religions. The biggest difference with evolution is that it is the only religion that promotes the idea of “do what you feel like, because life doesn’t matter.” It also promotes the idea that humans are the most intelligent and capable beings in the Universe. Because of these two ideals, many people are attracted to it as a way of life. “Wow, you don’t have to have morals, and I can attempt to stake my claim as the most intelligent being in the Universe!” Evolutionists tend to feel a lot of pride about their religion, and defend it with arrogance and a compulsive belief that they are superior."||
Now lets look at the bit from the first paragraph. Sorry I'm jumping around but thats how I roll. He's turning Darwinism, the belief of natural selection and evolution to a RELIGION/FAITH WTFFFFFFFF
Really? HOw can u turn this into a religion!? He says that the followers of Darwin don't belief in moral values and that humans are the superior race to all. He's just stereotyping most of them. If he gave solid proof about this then it would make sense. other wise I'm pretty sure from wat I learned from talking to evolutionists, they aren't like this. He's stereotyping in the name of his religion. Now the quote at the beginning bothers me alot. I would never beilievd that Darwin would say such a thing but who knows. Something I need to look up online, maybe its altered. Who knows were this guy gets his info from. Lets go to the last paragraph. He says stuff how evolutionists say life has no meaning, He says that they believe in how humans are the most intelligent and the most capable beings in this Universe. Well so far that seems to be true. He's putting God into this? We haven't discovered any moar intelligent life out there. Some cases they found us but right now atm We are the smartest people around. Capable of mass destruction and the ability to think etc. God is defined as the all knowing BEING. So putting the simple word "being" in that sentece connects us and puts us on the same line. I don't believe that we should be called Beings on the same line as God is called being. It kind of goes with his idea. But its just goes way to far with it. He leaves a big space for God in that sentece and we don't need to put him in there. Why? Because we're humans and we must set out our lives. We are our own people. We have our own destinies and lives. See? I brought Hinduism in this. And it works too.
In the end, this guy doesn't know what he is talking about. He indirectly supports Darwin and he doesn't know it. Half of the paragraphs in the article are just supporting his ideas. But saying he is believing in them wrong. He is biased throughout this whole entire website. I always admired Darwin, but that quote from the beginning just bothers me. Something I should look up later and explain in a different post.
Next time's post will be a followup on this and Me analyzing a really poor video from the History Channel. Question?: Hindu Gods are ALIENS?