Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Star Wars Episode 1 review

I was somewhere around  5 yrs of age. I was excited, a new shipment of stuff came to our store. The first batch of star wars episode 1 merchandise. I soon grew up in the new generations of star wars movies, not knowing about the original triology, You can say this is backwards compared to some of the much older fans who grew up with the original triology. Since I stared with Episode 1 first I really have growned attached to it, even though people said it sucked crap. Anyways, I first experience star wars through VHS. I never went to see a movie when I was around that age, the first time for me would be when I was around 9. I was hooked, I wanted to know more but sadly I didn't get the "memo" about the other movies till I was in 5th grade, 12 years old. My speech therapist told me about all of these star wars movies I have never heard of. By this time the last two episodes (which were amazing!) had already came out, or at least on the way. I never watched any of the original triology episodes, but I did get into Episode V: A new hope through the aid of the Star wars storybook. This just kept on feeding my curiosity for learning more about star wars n stuff.
But for this post...It's going to be about the re-release for Episode I
First of all, it was just to get more money, in my opinion at least. My other half is saying something about how he released "Red Tails" about the same time. Maybe he wanted to see what his fans wanted? New films or Star Wars films? Anyways, if you haven't comprehended anything above you would know I was quite fond of the first episode, then when I re-watched it on the big screen-I wanted to uh yea. (I don't want to say it for some reason)

After re-watching it with a the mask pulled out of my head I can clearly see how crappy episode one is. I like the fight scenes, podracing, etc. But its the actors that mostly killed it. And Jar Jar too. Jar Jar Binks was supposed to be the comidic relief I guess but he sucks at being it, I liked how Lucas even knew this and gave Obi-wan the comidic relief stuff and he does it more lightly but still funny. As for the actors...its just the kid who played Anakin skywalker. I'm not going to put to much blame on him cause he is at the moment going through so much other rants from other peoplez. But still, WHY DID THE MAKErS PICK HIM! I can't see how he makes love to padme and creates little peoplez when he's like 3 feet shorter than her, and his lines are CRAP, and he says em like Crap! Creating even more CRAP..that's alot of crap
re-watching a crappish movie just makes it more crappier...that is the lesson of this post..yess..hmmmmm

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