Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Now, where do I go from here?

I'm really starting to miss the Hippocrates crew. Woke up today, and didn't feel like doing anything without them. Normally, I would wake up, hang out with my roomate for a bit, and goto a med session or talk or socialize. Its summer vacation and I seem to be bored. Xbox won't help me out of this one.

I'm planning on either traveling on my own or start using my newly found leadership skills here in Breezewood. Maybe go out for the Youth EMT courses?
I have nothing against my parents, but after this fourm. I really feel like I'm my own person. They would be up in NJ and all I would have to do is take a train back to see them (My original plan was to go up to NY btw). Then again, what would I be doing in NY all by myself? I'm looking for something, but honestly I'm stupid enough not knowing what I'm looking for. Its a driving nonsense. All I really want is to see and reunite with my "2nd family."

Like the title says: Where do I go from here?

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