Monday, 10 June 2013

Synth Programming

Decided to take a break from all of the MIDI hacking and build up my library of synth presets and such things. For all newbie producers out there, czech this out:
So I'm tinkering furthur with the newest version of Mulab. DAW has some really nice instruments, just MIDI is the problem. Trying to get LMMS to output one of its instruments into Mulab, so I can use their many effects on that instrument sequence in LMMS. Nothing is working. IDK

This picture has nothing to do with what I just said.

Monologue 3

 huge car accident right outside my house
the poilce are letting some random dude
direct traffic
like whaddup
I'm a random dude
Can I direct traffic
Yeah sure man
go ahead
its not like there's a dude dying in this car
yeh go ahead
direct traffic
Dis car cern gerr overr heres
and dis guy can come over STOP
back up

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Progress on New Live Show + some other bits

Recently discovered some well-known LMMS user's bloggers:

And they tell me blogger isn't for musicians!

So after that talent-show, I decided to step back into mah workshop, and figure this live show stuff out.
LMMS will still be the "brains" of my setup. It's awesome how you can assign virtually any knob, slider, and button in LMMS to a midi controller. Only problem is, that LMMS is prone to crash (Sometimes), I'm still working this out, and trying to find the reason why.

As for controllers, I don't have the money to go out and buy them. So I thought, "You have all of this junk around the house, just use that." So thats what I did. I turned 4 mouses into slider controllers using a little program called: "MouseMod"

Currently using my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2+Touch OSC (Custom interface developed by fellow Avelocity Member, Umcaruje) for most of the controllers in LMMS, using it kinda like monome for percussion loops. There are at on of knobs and buttons I can assign effects to, etc. So its the main controller basically

I do plan to turn a old keyboard into a controller as well. Most likely using VIMDI. I plan to gut the keyboard, replace the keys with, idk arcade buttons or something, and just use that as a trigger.

As for the music I plan to format this to. Progressive house/electro house sort of thing going on right now. I have a couple of old projects I never decided to finish that can be used.

Well yes.

Saturday, 8 June 2013


Hey guys
[2:58:39 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: Now somebody explain this to me
[2:58:49 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: There is a glow n the dark tab in the back of my car's trunck
[2:58:53 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: Aprently
[2:58:59 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: its used to open the trunk of the car, FROM THE INSIDE
[2:59:02 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: SO BASICALLY
[2:59:07 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: the ppl that made the car, had a thought
[2:59:14 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: a very unique thought
[2:59:28 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: If somebody gets locked in the back of the trunk, they can let themselves out via convient glow in the dark tab
[2:59:35 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: IT"S A GODDERM LUXURY CAR
[2:59:40 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: WHY WOULD I STUFF SOMEONE IN MY TRUNK
[2:59:42 PM] jan: Seems legit
[2:59:54 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown is astounded
[2:59:59 PM] jan: Because that's what people do
[3:00:02 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: Apprently
[3:00:08 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: "Meanwhile in AMerican"
[3:00:24 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: But now I kinda want to see if it works
[3:00:35 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: maybe it doesnt
[3:00:39 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: it's just there for false hope
[3:00:40 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: who knows?
[3:00:47 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: the friggin instruction manual doesnt say anything
[3:00:53 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: You anna know wut else is funny
[3:00:55 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: On the tab
[3:01:03 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: it says PULL, and then it shows someone running away from the car
[3:01:10 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: so basically, you pull the tab,and then GTF out of there
[3:01:16 PM] jan: XD
[3:01:27 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: at first I though it was to blow the car up or something
[3:01:32 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: pull the tab and run
[3:01:33 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: but nope
[3:01:50 PM] jan: Well, lock yourself in and find ot
[3:01:58 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: I'm planning to
[3:02:02 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: but watch, it wont work
[3:02:06 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: and I'll get myself stuff
[3:02:14 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: stuck
[3:02:34 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: then I'll go over to the company "after screaming for helo, and then reciving said help", and b like
[3:02:35 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: YO
[3:02:41 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: YOUR TAB THING ISNT WURKING
[3:02:48 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: or
[3:02:51 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: I'll stuff somebody else
[3:02:54 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: and see them get out
[3:02:59 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: and I'll go up to the m and b like
[3:03:01 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: WHOSE SIDE R U ON
[3:03:20 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: wut happens if ur tied up
[3:03:24 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: might as well add in a rope cutter as well
[3:03:29 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: and maybe even a mudderfrucking phone
[3:03:32 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: to call for help
[3:03:33 PM] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: geez

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Yet anther monologue

[17:29:27] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: any of you guys wonder what adult flynn is doing
[17:29:47] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: him and adult kane
[17:37:10] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: doing adult things
[17:37:20] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: like
[17:37:22] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: reading
[17:37:29] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: and
[17:37:35] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: having
[17:37:53] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: the time to do
[17:37:55] Brian/RGC Mercury/TriggersDown: stuff

Dont ask

Monday, 3 June 2013

So what's going on now

School is almost over.

Parents are nuts and hardheaded

Reading Homestuck (Unfortunately)

Creating a new live show (Because the talent show was eh)
-Hoping to get some midi controllers
-Looking into Progressive House

And besides that, I'm have an unforunate series of bad luck..

Thanks breaking, grades dropping, anxiety problems, epilepsy problems, knee problems, parent problems, annoying lil bro problems, school problems, girl problems. ETC.
